Never stop protecting your asset!
Why is it that most people spend more time maintaining their car on a regular basis than they do on their own home? Many of us are guilty of this and yet it is ironic considering our home is usually our largest asset?
The reality is that ‘preventative’ maintenance is far more cost effective than the crisis management approach of waiting until something breaks and then being forced to take immediate action.
A systematic maintenance approach allows you to monitor certain conditions and components. For example, regular roof inspections will allow enough advanced warning to plan, budget and obtain quotes for the repair prior to carrying out the work.
As an owner we ask you to ask yourself how often you jump on your roof and have a thorough look at what is going on up there? How often do you get on your hands and knees and crawl beneath the floor space? How often do you walk around your home and have a concentrated look at the condition of the cladding, gutters, downpipes etc? Gradual damage can often occur in areas that are not easily visible.
By investing in an annual maintenance inspection you are taking a pro-active approach at a small cost to protect a very valuable asset – your home!